ES531FOR004 - Sa Talaiassa temporary pond


Wetland data

Basic information
Wetland location: Inland
Wetland type: Natural
Wetland area: 0.1 Ha
Hydrological interaction: -  
Water salinity: Fresh (< 0.5 g/l)
Type of fresh water input: Catchment area (precipitation)
Surface water runoff There is no obvious water outflow
Open water area (%): 76 - 95
Hydroperiod: Temporary/Intermittent
Geographic information
Region: Balearic Islands
Island: Formentera
Municipality: Formentera
Longitude: 1.551663 East
Latitude: 38.660519 North
Wetland condition
Wetland status (MEDWET): 2 - Original habitats/landform still predominant (>50%)
Ramsar wetland type
Type Coverage (%)
Ts - Seasonal/intermittent freshwater marshes/pools on inorganic soils > 95
Property status
Important bird areas
IBA code Site name Coverage (%) References
ES314 La Mola de Formentera 100 Infante et al., 2011
Ecosystem services
Type of ecosystem service Ecosystem service Scale of Βenefit (%) Importance
Supporting services Provision of habitat
Activities on wetland
Activity Intensity
100 = Cultivation High
140 = Grazing High
Activities on catchment area
Activity Intensity
100 = Cultivation High
140 = Grazing High
890 = Other human induced changes in hydraulic conditions High
Impact Intensity
HL- = Habitat loss High
Habitat types
Type Coverage (%)
3170 * Mediterranean temporary ponds > 95

Infante, O., Fuente, U. & Atienza, J.C. 2011. Las Áreas Importantes para la Conservación delas Aves en España. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.
